Monday, July 23, 2012


Thoughts for the day:

1. Denny wins the #1 Best Hubby Award of All Time. You wanna know what he does for me? When I had cataracts and couldn't read, had my eye surgeries and couldn't read, and during the time my eyes were healing up and I still couldn't read . . . Denny (bless his angel heart!) would tuck me into bed every night, and read me a story! Then, after my eyes finally healed, I got new glasses and could read for myself, he kept it up! We both enjoy it so much!!!! We started with "The Education of Hyman Kaplan" (volumes 1 and 2), and then moved on to Dave Barry's books of short stories. He has published 22 books. So fun! Every night, I get tucked in, read to, and kissed "goodnight". THAT wins him the #1 Best Husband Award in my eyes!

2. I MUST lose weight. One of these days, it's going to "click"and my mind and heart will take charge of my resistant, stubborn body. Done it before; can do it again! SOON? Who knows?

3. Aurora Rose "Rory" Mills is the sweetest, most cheerful, prettiest baby in the world. Yesterday, our family met at Denny's Mom's house to retake our Five Generation picture. Denny's Aunt Arlene came to fix Mom's hair and dress her in something nice. Rory was sound asleep when her Mom and Dad brought her into the house to the clamor of ten adults oohing and aahing over her every move. She woke up cheerful and happy- with cute smiles and grins. Not a complaint! She "posed" happily for photo after photo as pictures were taken of her with every conceivable group. Oh, how we LOVE that baby girl!

4. Tending Rory is great fun! We had her the other night, and I was trying valiantly NOT to feed her before her Papa (Denny) got home. We were going to bathe her, and then Denny wanted to feed her. But he got held up at his Mom's house and Rory was getting pretty hungry. I held her in my arms and tried the pacifier on her. HAH!  She sucked on it 3 or 4 times, then spit it out, glared at me with those big dark blue eyes, opened her mouth as WIDE as it would go, and really let me have it! YIKES! I was chuckling so hard I could barely get her bottle ready. She really let her GG have it!

5. Elder Nick Bowler comes home in less than 2 months. Can't believe it! He has been a stellar missionary in the Pennsylvania Philadelphia Mission. He became a Zone Leader very early in his mission, and has raised the Zones he's led into the Top Zones in the Mission. His letters have been uplifting, hilarious, scary, and beautiful. WE have enjoyed his mission almost as much as HE has. It will be wonderful to have him home again.

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