Thursday, November 8, 2012


Good morning, Alert Readers!  Well, Denny and I just couldn't wait one more minute to give our beautiful Rory her big Christmas gift. She's only going to be 6 months old at Christmas and won't know  Christmas from Shistmas . . . so we gave her our gift EARLY! Actually, it was TWO gifts; one for our house and one for hers. We gave her two of those really fun Exersaucers!  And she loves it! She sits in the little seat, surrounded by fun toys . . . and bounces. Oh yes, she also has a jumper/bouncer here and at her own home. But she's a bouncer wherever she sits! She did immediately locate the toys attached to the top, and is learning that she can turn the seat and reach all of the toys all around her.

Her Daddy, Andrew, was funny with her the first time she played in the 'saucer. She was flailing her hands around trying to play with each toy, and Andrew said (reading Rory's mind), "Mine! Mine! Also mine!" He reached forward to touch a toy, and she gave him a baleful look. You could see it clearly in her mind- "MINE!"

This little girl has completely stolen our hearts. Papa is totally WACKO over her . . . and I am just as bad. When she turns those big, deep blue eyes on us, we will do anything for her.  And . . . do you think she knows it????  Oh my, YES!  We put her down on her tummy on our "Rory Blanket" for a nap, and she instantly turned over, looked at me with those eyes, and began to whimper.

When the whimpering became full-throated wailing, and those eyes were STILL directly on me, I gave in. Oh course. Just like she knew I would. I picked her up, wrapped her in a little blanky and rocked her to sleep. I know . . .  I know . . .  but that's the joy of being a great-grandparent!  If Papa and GG (Denny and I) can't spoil her, who can??????????


1 comment:

  1. I had one at my house, too. One of the best toys ever - fun and containment in one!! I'm glad you're having such a fun time with your baby.
