Saturday, September 22, 2012


ONCE AGAIN, folks, my writing wouldn't stay in paragraphs. HELLLP! Anyway, the ***** means that what follows should be in a new paragraph.

Ali, will you please come help me fix this????????


 Rory, when you entered our lives three months ago, you brought more joy and love than we ever thought possible. Fresh from your home with Heavenly Father, you came "trailing clouds of glory" as you came, just as the great poet William Wordsworth wrote. You, sweet baby girl, ARE a "cloud of glory" to your Papa and GG. We lost our hearts to you the first time we saw you. When your Grandma laid you in our arms, tears trickled down our cheeks as we looked at you. You turned your dark blue eyes on us, waved your tiny fist in the air . . . and that was it! We were hooked- forever!******

When your Mommy and Daddy bring you over for our "Friday Dates", our first hopeful question is "Is she awake?" And we pull back the cover over your baby carrier, peeking in hoping to see two bright eyes blinking back at us. Usually they are . . . and then, amazingly, your eyes light up and you GRIN! We love the little dimples/crinkles on the edges of your mouth when you grin at us. And we double-love the open-mouthed chortles and chuckles that emerge as we play with you. We LOVE the way your face lights up when you recognize us- our faces light up exactly the same way! ******

In your first two weeks of life, Papa and I were blessed to take care of you FOUR times! We remember the tiny bundle you were when you first came. We could hold you on our shoulder, and –with your legs still folded up under you in the fetal position- you were nothin' but a bitty bit of a girl. You barely reached the middle of our chests. Your sweet baby breath brushed against our necks, and your tiny baby noises were music to our ears. Now, at three months, you have become a "big girl". While we still love to cuddle you on our shoulders, your once-teensy toes nearly reach our laps! Wha' happened, Rory? You grew! Yesterday, after we had fed you, you laid your beautiful head on GG's shoulder, belched like a teenage boy!, and went to sleep. Two seconds later, we heard you snore! YEP! Just like Papa! *******

We know that you have a LOT to tell us –the memories of your pre-mortal life may not yet have completely vanished. Perhaps the veil is still thin for you. Whatever the cause, we get a huge kick out of you when you try soooooo hard (with your whole body) to talk to us. Do you have stories about "Eutch"? Did Grandpa Odie send a message with you? Grandma Cola? Did you bring us hugs from Grams, Grandpa Anton or Grandma Helen? We know how hard you are trying to share everything you know with us. And when we look at you, we see heaven in your eyes. ********

You are a special, well-loved baby, Rory-Girl! We can feel your sweet personality already growing. You are being raised in a loving, humor-filled environment with wonderful parents, both sets of grandparents, a loving aunt and two excellent uncles, great-grandparents from each side of the family . . . and even a GREAT- GREAT-Grandma! Five generations of people to love you, Rory. And these all live right here around you. You have other great-grandparents, aunts and uncles who live further away, but send their love to you every day. You are a fortunate little girl. *******

Thank you, Rory, for coming into our lives. We haven't had a new baby in our close family for nearly 17 years (TODAY is Uncle Trevor's 17th birthday!). You are giving us all a wonderful opportunity to expand our hearts and renew our relationships with each other. We love you from the very bottom of our hearts; you are our Bitty Boo! *********

With smooches and hugs, Papa and GG ;-]

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