Thursday, September 20, 2012


HELLO, ALERT READERS!!!! Something weird happened as I wrote this . . . and my writings wouldn't go into paragraphs!!!! wha'????????? SO look for the "***". That means it's a new paragraph! Yup! I am blogger illiterate! Yep! Denny and I absolutely LOVE serving in the Temple. We look forward to Tuesdays and Wednesdays every week. The wonderful, kind people on our two shifts are family to us. Many of the people are the same (work the same two shifts that we do), but many others serve only on one of the nights. This gives us a rich variety of good people with whom to share our lives. The sisters all seem to understand MY particular needs, and truly do take care of me. SERIOUSLY, they help me put my shoes on if I can't manage it; they pick up the many, many, many things I drop each night; they help me get up off a bench or chair when I get "stuck" and my knees won't cooperate; they "applaud" me for whatever new thing I am able to do; they do not look down on me or judge me because of my disabilities; they offer love and smiles all night long. I love them. *** And then there are the coordinators: Sister Madsen, Sister Taylor and Sister Justesen. Their kindness is beyond belief! Each Quarter, we workers receive a new schedule. These sweet coordinators are happy to tweak my schedule so that I can handle everything I am asked to do. ;-] Each evening, it seems they come to check on me, and make me feel special and loved. They are truly angels, and well-loved.*** Denny feels the same about the brethren who serve with him. He has less problems than I do, physically, but still requires a tiny bit of special care. His three coordinators take everything into account, and give him a GREAT schedule each Quarter. He is very happy there, and loves his co-workers just like I love mine. Denny was especially happy yesterday, because Ali and Nick, our (GRANDKIDS) attended the session he officiates each Wednesday. It was wonderful for them all to be in a session at the same time. He loved it!!!! *** This Quarter (ending next week- RATS!), I have been Init. Coordinator. Six wonderful months in that extra-special place has been paradise for me. (I was Asst. Coordinator last Quarter- that's why it's been six months.)I have so loved working with each of the sisters, and truly enjoyed the patrons who so selflessly come to serve. I have one more week to serve there, but in October must leave it behind and move on. My successor (also "Sister Smith"!) is wonderful and will do a GREAT job! But I will greatly miss the spirit and joy I found in Init. Of course, I will be serving in Init. as an Ordinance Worker on both nights- so that's a good thing! But I will MISS serving in there all evening long. . . . sigh . . . *** We both have some very special friends there in the Temple . . . THAT is where we most feel at home. We are so grateful to be able to serve there. Thank you, Mesa Temple. WE LOVE YOU!

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