Saturday, February 9, 2013



Hi Alert Readers! I’m afraid of my shoes. YEP! That’s what I said: “my shoes”.  Let me explain: I need shoes that I can just slip on. We bought four pairs of shoes without backs. They are like tennis shoes you just slip into. So far, so good. However, as I have been wearing these shoes for more than two years, they are no longer tight to my feet. Well, I have CHRONIC VERTIGO. Any little thing can trip me up and make me fall flat. A couple of months ago, I turned around to pick something off the counter in the kitchen, and –SPLATTTT!- fell down hard, hitting my head on a kitchen chair. OUCH!  My SHOE had come very loose and tripped me!  Soooooo, I am afraid of my shoes. I am now wandering around the house barefooted rather than take a chance! What’s worse: a bad fall or a scorpion sting?

SAS SHOES is having a sale!!!!!!  Denny brought me a flyer announcing a sale on “spring shoes”. We are going to check it out to see if we can get me some “safe shoes” to wear around the house and to movies, etc. Yes, SAS shoes are dumpy-frumpy, but they are NOT scary!  ;)

Rory is crawling! What a big girl she is! Now she wants to be down on the ground ALL THE TIME. If we pick her up for a cuddle, she puts up with it for about a second and a half- then she’s pushing away, trying to get down. On the days that we have her, she entertains herself on the floor for at least two hours at a stretch. We strew her toys around the room and she just crawls to and fro, to and fro, playing with each one. Papa sits on the ground with her sometimes, and she LOVES that!  She catches sight of him, and sprints off towards him as quickly as she can crawl. Then she climbs on and around him for a while- but then, OFF SHE GOES! –back to her toys. We get the biggest kick out of watching her. She still absolutely LOVES her bouncer, and will bounce for an hour, giggling and laughing. And she still enjoys her Exersaucer- at least the one at our house. She evidently doesn’t use the ones at her own home or at Grandma and Grandpa Bowler’s home anymore.  But she still plays here. It might be because Papa and GG are sitting right there, watching her and talking to her- so she isn’t at all alone.  (?) 

I was so excited last month!  The Stake Relief Society called to ask me to fill in for a speaker at our Stake RS Conference last Saturday. The original speaker had to cancel, and Stake President Toone recommended ME! I don’t know how he even knew that I LOVE to give talks! Anyway, my topic was “Women in the Scriptures”. I loved it!  I worked very hard doing some research and deciding who to talk about. Finally, I decided to discuss the Woman With the Issue of Blood, the Samaritan Woman at the Well, Mary Fielding Smith, and Kristin! The principle in each section was “trusting in God”. I was told that there would be a TON of women attending my part, so they put me in the chapel. Well . . . it was quite disappointing, because I only had about 35-40 sisters in both sessions. I had been told there would be at least 100. But- the sisters in this Stake do not know me and have never heard me speak- so I don’t blame them for going to a presentation they were sure would be good. I hope that I will be given MORE opportunities. We’ll see . . .

The Temple was closed for two weeks- this is vacation time for the Temple workers. I –of course- caught a bad cold/flu and was sick the ENTIRE time! Denny took me to Urgent Care when it was clear that I wasn’t getting better. The doctor there gave me some meds, and I did begin to feel better. YAY!  Being sick is the worst! We were able to return to our service at the Temple when it opened this week.

We finally saw “Les Miserables”!  WOW! WHAT. A. MOVIE.  !!!!!  It was hard not to sing along with the actors, but we refrained. We have seen the stage production five times- LOVE IT!  And the movie was excellent. We were so happy to see Colm Wilkinson (the original Jean Valjean) in it. That’s how it should have been! He played the Priest.

Nick is getting married in 26 days!  We went to Emily’s shower on Thursday night. She is such a lovely young lady. We gave Nicky and Emily $1,000 towards the wedding (just like we did for Ali and Andrew), and they used it to make arrangements for their honeymoon. They are taking a road trip up the coast in California. COOL!  We offered to help with the driving, but for some reason, they weren’t interested!

Pop Turley is engaged!!!!!  We are sooooooo happy for him!  He was absolutely the BEST thing to happen to our Mom. He took such loving care of her for so long, until she passed away. He deserves to have years and years of joy. We love him and are delighted with this news!  They are hoping for a wedding in mid-March.

Gotta go. I’ve got dishes that need to be put away. They are kinda glaring at me!  So, farewell until next time!!!!! Love ya! 

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