Thursday, February 28, 2013


Dear Alert Readers!  BIG DOINGS IN OUR FAMILY!!!! Wedding bells are ringing! Can you hear them????? Flowers are ordered. Dresses have been purchased. The road trip honeymoon has been planned and paid for. An apartment is being worked on even as I type this!

One week from today, our grandson Nick will be married/sealed to Emily Pratt. Emily is a lovely young lady the Bowler family has known for several years through Actors' Youth Theater. She and Nick started dating 2-3 weeks after Nick got home from his Mission- and they were engaged shortly after.

Emily is receiving her endowment tomorrow in the Mesa Temple, but Denny and I will not be there. I have an acute case of cellulitis and am "grounded" for several days. %$#&*$#@! So we will miss that particular landmark in Nick and Emily's life . . .

The one good thing about this is that we will be hosting Rory while everyone else is at the Temple. YAY! She's coming about 4:00'sh and will be here until her Mama and Daddy pick her up after the session- and maybe dinner. Ali isn't sure yet if they are going to dinner with the engaged couple and the rest of the family. At any rate, we will have our Bitty Boo for a few hours anyway. She is going to wonder what in the world is going on when I lay down on the couch with my leg up on a pile of blankets and a firm pillow. We're sure she will crawl over and pull herself up by my face and stick her pointer finger right on my glasses!!! Oh boy! Like any little girl, she is entranced by anything shiny. GO FOR THE GOLD, GIRL!

Denny is a fabulous caretaker . . . he really takes good care of me. I have to have a warm compress on my shin 4-6 times a day. Then he washes my "wound" with anti-bacterial solution, applies ointment and then covers it with gauze and paper tape. The cellulitis is getting better, but still itches and burns. OUCH! OH! I also have to keep the foot higher than my heart as much as possible. ** whew **  What a pain the neck . . . uh, I mean shin!

Soooooo excited about the upcoming wedding! Our little family is slowly but surely growing! Welcome, Emily!  We love you!

Farewell for now, Alert Readers!

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