Friday, December 21, 2012


Deer Alurt Reeders, hi! It's me, Rory!  My GG hugged me close today and told me that you all like to hear from me. I don't know why- becuz I don't spell verry well. But I'll do my verry best. . .

My Papa and GG are very lukky this week. They got to see me yesterday, then again today, and WILL see me Sunday at Church!  They are very, very eskited about that! They *heart* me very much!

Yesterday, my Mama, Uncle Trevor, Uncle Nick, my soon-to-be-Auntie Emily and I came over to Papa and GG's house to make something called "truffulls". I don't know what those are, but I saw everybody scrunching gram krakkers and mixing those with a can of something that had an eagle on the front, and then some little dark brown roundy things that everybody kept tossing into their mouths. Thy called them "choclit chips". GG had something called "wall-nuts" for them too, but nobody used them. I bounced in my jumper while my grown-ups mixed all this stuff up and then spread it in some pans. They put them in a big door in the stove for a while, and then –FINALLY!- I got some attention! Uncle Trevor had some of the "goop" (as he called it) on his finger and stuck it on my tongue.  It was reely reely good! I wanted more, and I kept looking and waving at him. Uncle Trevor gave me another taste! YUMMY!  I totally LOVE my Uncle Trevor! GG brought me something she called a "gram krakker" and put it in my mouth- but -YUCK!- I didn't like it AT ALL! She told me that it would "soffen up" and be reely tasty, but it was too hard, and I didn't like it. Uncle Nick put my new hi chair together while we were there. My Papa and GG are wonderful peeple, but they are not good at assembling things. So I was glad Uncle Nick was there. I got to sit in my new hi chair and play while my grown ups took the pans out of the big door in the stove and put them on the counter. We all chatted and played for a while (and I got to be center of attention AT LAST!) until the goop in the pans was "cool". Then they tipped everything out and cut the goop into squares. Nobody offered ME any- even as they were all eating a piece themselves! But if it tasted anything like that awful gram krakker, I'm glad. When it was time to leave, my Mama cleaned me up really well because she and Daddy were taking me "out to dinner" again. She said we were going out to a fancy place and I had to look my best. I tried very hard!

Today is Fryday, so it's my usual day with my Papa and my GG. My Mama and Daddy dropped me off at their house, and I endured what seemed like 19 hours of hugs and kisses before Papa put me on my play mat so I could play with my toys. My GG told me that she had rearranged the toys on my play mat so that they'd be easier for me reach, but INSTEAD, they were all right in my face and I had to bat them out of my way all the time. How do you spell "anno-ing"?  So GG came over and changed them again. One of these days, we're going to get it right!  I only tipped over ONE time today while playing there. My GG saw me waving my arms and legs around, trying to sit back up all by myself!  She laughed and laughed, and called my Papa to come see. Then they helped me sit back on my bottom again, and I played and played. I love my play mat . . . but I also love my Exersaucer and ESPECIALLY my jumper/bouncer! I love to bounce,  jump, bounce, jump and then jump some more!  WHEEEEEEEEEE!

My grownups put me in my new hi chair, and then GG fed me something called "carrats". It was orange and pretty good!  I ate the whole container!!!!  Papa fed me the last couple of bites, and then they gave me my bath!  I LOVE my baths at their house, but today GG axidently sprayed me right in the face with the wet stuff, and I DIDN'T LIKE THAT AT ALL! I was not happy, and I let them know it- loudly!  As soon as the water torture was over, my Papa fixed my botle, and GG sat in her rocker and gave me my lunch. I did fall asleep, but GG said it was a "power nap" because I only slept for about 20 minutes!  Then I was ready to rock and roll! We played and played until my Mama and Daddy came to get me. I LOVE my Papa and GG, but my Mama and Daddy are my very FAVORITES in the whole world!

I get to see my grown ups again on Sunday. We are going to Church together! We chose to go to my Grandma and Grandpa Bowler's Ward because my Grandpa is in the Bishopric (I don't know what that is!), and he'll be sitting on the stand. How do you SIT on a STAND?  There are soooo many things I don't understand!  My Papa and GG gave me a very pretty shiny red dress that they called my "Chrissmus dress". Something else that I don't understand.  They told me I get to wear it to church Sunday, and also they gave me some bright shiny things to wear on my feet. I'm not used to wearing anything but socks, so this will be a fun adventure! Mama bought me something she called "tites" to wear with the dress. I get to wear all of this to church this Sunday. I don't know what the big deal is . . . but I am happy that I get to see my grown-ups again!

Oh! I forgot to tell you that I am now 6 months old! I can sit up by myself, roll over and over both directions, eat smooshed food, and can scooch forward a bit (or BACK, by mistake!). My grown ups still tell me that I am cute. I know I am getting bigger, because Mama has to get me new clothes! AND my Papa and GG are having a harder time to hold me. I don't like to just sit on a lap or curl up on a shoulder anymore. That's for BABIES! And I am a big girl now! 

I hear that "Chrissmus" is just a few days away- so I want you all to be happy and cheerful and love your families. I sure love MINE!

Bye bye! I love you all!!!!!  Rory    :-]

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